About Ashley Allen

Natural light photographer and lover of life. Will travel where it leads me.
There is something to be said about taking a "hiatus". Taking a hiatus can bring peace, a sense of understanding and a renewed sense of art and passion. I did it for all those reasons. I absolutely love what I do. I love where it's taken me in life. Places I would have never seen, people I absolutely adore that I never would have met....all the things. My Daddy made me promise...years ago...that I would never stop using the talent that God gave me. He never said anything about taking a break. :) So here I am once again. Craving my camera and what I see when I look through the lens and ready to release the creativity in my head that has been screaming for me to get back to it and get it out and do what I love. I may be a lot older now than when I started but that will never stop me. I'll still be taking pictures when I'm 90.
So here we go again......I hope you will go along with me.
As for me....I am Ashley Allen. I have been doing this for almost 20 years...crazy to think it's been that long. I have been married to my husband, Brian, for one thousand amazing years and we have two crazies who keep us on our toes and busy and grew up so fast on us. Avery is in High School and plays Volleyball year round and Braxton is in Jr. High and plays basketball and baseball. I would not trade this life I live with the people i love for anything. I just love life and I document it with my camera as it goes on.....
Blessings always,
Ashley Allen